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Umberto Giannini Fuzz Off Control Clay 100ml

Umberto Giannini Fuzz Off Control Clay 100ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 70 AED 46
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Product Details

Create a malleable matte finish with enhanced texture and shape thanks to Umberto Giannini’s Fuzz Off Control Clay. Slicking down fly aways and adding medium control, the multi-purpose formula can be used to manipulate the hair how you like, while protecting from the effects of humidity for a smoother style. Enriched with KeraFUSION™ and bond repair technology, the clay provides nutrient-rich nourishment, supporting a fuller, stronger look. Added caffeine and hydrolysed what proteins help to diminish the look of lacklustre, limp lengths, alongside vitamin E providing softening moisture to ensure a non-crunchy or sticky finish.


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