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Umberto Giannini Coco Beach Waves Shampoo and Conditioner Duo

Umberto Giannini Coco Beach Waves Shampoo and Conditioner Duo


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 94 AED 61
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Product Details

Nourish sun-exposed strands with the Umberto Giannini Coco Beach Duo. Featuring shampoo and conditioner, the set seeks to refresh hair after contact with sea, salt and sun. Each formula is laced with the luscious Coconut Crush scent, with notes of vanilla, coconut and musk that bring back that holiday feeling. Set Contents: Coco Beach Waves Shampoo 250ml Revitalising sun-soaked lengths, the shampoo rinses away a day at the beach with its refreshing formula. Coconut oil and cocoa seed help to slough away impurities while hyaluronic acid and fruit extract nourish lengths for a softened finish. Coco Beach Waves Conditioner 250ml The moisturising treatment works to breathe vibrance back into post-holiday hair. Enriched with mango and fig, the conditioner intensely nourishes the hair without a weighted feeling. Vitamin E envelops strands in a softening formula, while coconut oil lends a radiant-looking shine.


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