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Umberto Giannini Coco Beach Waves Conditioner 250ml

Umberto Giannini Coco Beach Waves Conditioner 250ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 55 AED 36
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Product Details

Breathe body back into dry, dull and sun-damaged lengths with the Umberto Giannini Coco Beach Waves Conditioner. Suitable for all hair types, the moisturising treatment is perfect for nourishing hair post-sun, sea and swim. Brimming with quenching botanicals including coconut oil, cocoa seed, mango and fig, the formula delivers instant and long-lasting hydration without adding any extra weight. Meanwhile, vitamin E protects and refreshes lengths, leaving hair feeling soft and curl patterns defined. What’s more, the conditioner is infused with a luscious Coconut Crush scent, starring warm vanilla, mandarin and coconut notes to transport the senses to sun-kissed sands all year round.


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