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Medik8 Ultimate Recovery Bio-Cellulose Mask (6 Pack)

Medik8 Ultimate Recovery Bio-Cellulose Mask (6 Pack)


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 347 AED 243
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Product Details

Providing the nourishment your skin craves after microneedling, microdermabrasion and other aesthetic treatments, Medik8’s Ultimate Recovery Bio-Cellulose Mask minimises feelings of dryness and sensitivity with its blend of powerful ingredients. At the core of the composition is zinc. Lending a soothing effect, the natural mineral helps to provide a sense of comfort to the skin, supported by hyaluronic acid and rockweed algae for a refreshing boost of hydration. After use, skin appears plump and supple with a more clarified finish. Set Contents: Ultimate Recovery Bio-Cellulose Mask x 6


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