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Save 31%

OUAI Detox Shampoo Travel Size 89ml

OUAI Detox Shampoo Travel Size 89ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 59 AED 41
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Product Details

A purifying hair cleanser, OUAI’s Detox Shampoo is gentle on the scalp but tough on debris, oil and product build-up, from hard water deposits and styling products like dry shampoos and sculpting waxes.Refreshing the scalp, roots and lengths without stripping, drying or fading out your colour, the shampoo utilises the acidity of an apple cider vinegar to improve lustre and soothe itchy scalps. Hydrolysed keratin helps strengthen vulnerable bonds in the hair fibre, and encourages full, glossy hair. Allow the shampoo’s hypnotic rose scent to carry your senses away as you free congested hair.Ideal for oiliness, shine and flaky or dry scalp.


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