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NYX Professional Makeup On the Rise Liftscara Mascara 10ml

NYX Professional Makeup On the Rise Liftscara Mascara 10ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 58 AED 41
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Product Details

Enliven and lift your lashes with the NYX Professional Makeup On the Rise Liftscara Mascara. The sleek, ultra-pigmented formula catches every lash, coating them in luxurious matte black colour to instantly dramatise and volumise. Alluring and intense, the black mascara expertly curls and lifts lashes, creating the illusion of a brighter, wider eye area.Showcasing an elastomer brush head, the part-hourglass, part-rounded applicator utilises subtle flexibility to help capture each lash individually, curving and elevating for a striking, seductive finish.


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