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NYX Professional Makeup Setting Spray - Matte Finish/Long Lasting 60ml

NYX Professional Makeup Setting Spray - Matte Finish/Long Lasting 60ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 38 AED 27
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Product Details

Lock makeup firmly into place, all day and night, with the NYX Professional Makeup Matte Finish Vegan Setting Spray. The lightweight spray effortlessly mists over the complexion to set and mattify the skin.An essential in any beauty bag, this setting spray helps to keep makeup looking feel fresh for longer, this shine-free formula dries for a matte finish to leave your canvas flawless. Ideal for those with oily skin, the shine fighting formula keeps your visage matte and even, no matter what the day throws at you.Vegan and cruelty-free.


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