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Save 31%

The INKEY List Mini Oat Cleansing Balm 50ml

The INKEY List Mini Oat Cleansing Balm 50ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 32 AED 22
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Product Details

An award-winner and bestseller, The INKEY List Mini Oat Cleansing Balm gently dissolves makeup, SPF, oil and impurities from the skin to reveal a soft and supple complexion. The rich cleansing balm is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin, nourishing the natural protective barrier as it melts away the day. A comforting cocktail of 3% oat kernel oil and 1% colloidal oatmeal visibly soothes redness and protects the skin’s moisture barrier in order to resist stripping or drying out the skin. Perfect as the first cleanser in your double cleanse routine, the cleansing balm also doubles as a shaving balm or ten-minute mask.


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