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Color Wow Dream Filter 470ml

Color Wow Dream Filter 470ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 272 AED 204
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Product Details

Color WOW Dream Filter Pre-Shampoo Mineral Remover. The breakthrough pre-shampoo treatment filters out minerals, typically found in hard water, that could destroy the intensity and beauty of your hair colour. Traces of copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, chlorine and other minerals and metals found in tap water can build up in your hair over time and distort your colour making it appear yellow, brassy, greenish and dull.Dream Filter is ideal for those looking to prolong hair colour between salon visits and prevent discolouration. Suitable for all hair types and colours, the formula lifts unwanted minerals away from the hair shaft to unveil optimal colour. The treatment detoxifies the hair to brighten highlights, deepen dimension and make blonde, grey and white shades appear lighter and fresher; whilst brunette hair is left brighter - unveiling the natural or coloured tones in your hair. Re-balance your hair for picture-perfect colour with the Dream Filter.


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