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MAGNITONE London SteamAhead2 Hydrating Facial Nano Steamer

MAGNITONE London SteamAhead2 Hydrating Facial Nano Steamer


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 180 AED 157
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Product Details

Introducing the SteamAhead2 Hydrating Facial Nano Steamer from MAGNITONE London, a mini facial steamer that brings the luxury of the spa into the comfort of your own home. The facial steamer seeks to refresh and revitalise the appearance of skin with a burst of steam. Boasting a 20-minute steam time, the facial device works to enhance pore extraction while minimising the look of impurities. The unique tool also boosts the skin’s natural hydration levels for a soft and supple finish. Elevate your routine with the addition of essential oils, as the steamer doubles as a versatile room diffuser. Arriving in a compact size, the nano steamer is perfect for on-the-go self-care. Set Contents: Facial Nano Steamer Bamboo Cleansing Cloth


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