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Kérastase Fusio Scrub Scrub Energisant Purifying Scalp Scrub 250ml

Kérastase Fusio Scrub Scrub Energisant Purifying Scalp Scrub 250ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 271 AED 217
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Product Details

Deep purifying & energizing scalp scrub with sea salt for an oily scalp. This energising scrub replaces a traditional shampoo and deeply cleanses the scalp and hair. Its purifying texture is specifically designed for oily prone scalp and hair, to combat oiliness and dandruff.The detoxifying power of the sea salt profoundly exfoliates the scalp, effectively removing impurities, particles and product buildup, allowing for stronger, healthier and more beautiful hair. Easy to wash away, this scrub leaves the scalp free to breathe, roots highly lifted, hair fully volumised, 72% more volume after application, shinier and with a lightweight feel.


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