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Christophe Robin Cleansing Purifying Scrub with Sea Salt 250ml

Christophe Robin Cleansing Purifying Scrub with Sea Salt 250ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 210 AED 63
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Product Details

A pioneer when it comes to scalp concerns, Christophe Robin launched his cleansing Purifying Scrub with Sea Salt in 2013. An instant success in the industry, the award-winning scrub has become a haircare saviour for both women and men. The best-selling scrub features a hybrid formula, combining two potent ingredients to soothe even the most sensitive scalps. Sea salt is an effective natural exfoliator that cleanses, removes impurities and restores balance to the scalp. The grains stimulate microcirculation in the scalp to supply the maximum amount of nutrients to the hair. The dissolvable grains provide a non-abrasive exfoliation, while a natural moisturising agent from the new generation of active ingredients in hair care. the result is an instantly soothed scalp with relieved itching. Within 24 hours the scalp is restored to optimal hydration levels and irritation is reduced. Restore a balanced and soothed scalp that feels comfortable and refreshed for shiny, clean hair.


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