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Christophe Robin Purifying Mask with Thermal Mud 250ml

Christophe Robin Purifying Mask with Thermal Mud 250ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 200 AED 60
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Product Details

Ideal for stressed-out scalps and dry hair, the Christophe Robin Purifying Mask with Thermal Mud is a weekly pre-wash hair mask formulated to detoxify and refresh. The purifying treatment works to draw out the build-up of impurities, while enhancing hair’s moisture.Fortified with mineral-rich thermal mud, the formula helps to balance the scalp in order to minimise the look of oily, greasy roots. Spirulina, a nutrient-rich algae, supports the scalp's natural barrier function, helping to shield it from pollution.Designed to be used weekly before shampooing, the hair mask acts as the first step in promoting healthy-looking hair and a comfortably refreshed scalp.


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