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Christophe Robin Shade Variation Mask - Warm Chestnut (250ml)

Christophe Robin Shade Variation Mask - Warm Chestnut (250ml)


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 164 AED 49
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Product Details

Christophe Robin Shade Variation Mask in Warm Chestnut has been formulated for natural, coloured, streaked chestnut/brown hair. It has an ultra conditioning formula that nourishes and softens coloured hair. Natural brown hair can often appear lifeless whiles chestnut colouring reddens over time. This Christophe Robin Shade Variation Mask in Warm Chestnut neutralises the effects that can cause yellow tones. It lightly tints grey hair and restores hair natural bronze. The shade variation care is formulated oxidant, ammonia, paraben and silicon free.


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