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Grow Gorgeous Scalp Care Scalp Detox Scrub 200ml

Grow Gorgeous Scalp Care Scalp Detox Scrub 200ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 115 AED 35
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Product Details

Prepare your scalp for lustrous hair with the Grow Gorgeous Scalp Detox Scrub. The essential pre-wash treatment clarifies and refreshes oily scalps, removing product build-up and urban pollution to reveal your hair's true potential.The powerful formula removes excess sebum and gently exfoliates to unclog follicles, creating the perfect environment for healthy hair growth. Infused with invigorating ingredients, the scalp scrub is the ultimate first step in your haircare routine. Say goodbye to dull, lacklustre hair and hello to a revitalised scalp that sets the stage for flourishing strands.


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