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NuFACE Supercharged Ionplex Facial Mist 147ml

NuFACE Supercharged Ionplex Facial Mist 147ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 250 AED 213
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Product Details

Developed to support your NuFACE microcurrent treatment, the Supercharged Ionplex Facial Mist instantly refreshes and hydrates the complexion. Infused with IonPlex®, a precise concentration of ions and glacial water, the mist promotes optimal efficacy of the microcurrent treatment. It features a blend of ultra-nourishing actives, such as hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and ceramides to visibly plump and brighten in just a few spritz. Use before or after makeup application for a hit of refreshing moisture whenever your skin needs it.


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