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Dolce&Gabbana Eye Hearts Palette

Dolce&Gabbana Eye Hearts Palette


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 625 AED 313
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Product Details

Romanticise your eyes with Dolce&Gabbana’s Eye Hearts Palette. This eyeshadow palette holds 10 luxury shades in a range of colours and textures.Fall head over heels for the perfect line-up of iridescent golds, taupes and nudes. Each shadow delivers intense colour pay-off, blending out to a seamless, soft-focus effect.Finishes include shimmers, mattes, reflective, duo-chromes and metallics, allowing for a series of high-profile makeup looks. Housed in a sleek black compact, decorated with iconic Dolce&Gabbana hearts.


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