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Lancer Skincare Younger Revealing Mask Intense Starter Kit

Lancer Skincare Younger Revealing Mask Intense Starter Kit


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 176 AED 88
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Product Details

Discover a unique way to youthful skin with the Lancer Skincare Younger Revealing Mask Intense Starter Kit. The gift set pairs an innovative Iron Powder face mask with a magnetic tool that expertly lifts away the residue when finished, revealing brighter and smoother skin. The anti-ageing treatment uses a Silicone-encapsulated form of Retinoid to firm and plump the facial contours, helping to smooth fine lines and wrinkles and create a more toned appearance. After use, skin feels silky-soft and appears youthful and radiant. The Set Contains: Magnetic Mask Pod Magnetic Removal Tool


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