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Garnier Ultra Doux Castor and Almond Oils Strengthening Shampoo (Various Sizes) - 400ml

Garnier Ultra Doux Castor and Almond Oils Strengthening Shampoo (Various Sizes) - 400ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 20 AED 10
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Product Details

Garnier Ultra Doux Healing Castor & Almond Oils Shampoo: Inspired by Hammam Zeit rituals, discover the powerful new recipe to reinforce weak hair with tendency to fall. We selected 2 precious ingredients, Strengthening Castor Oil & Nourishing Almond Oil, to create an exceptionally healing blend. Apply on wet hair, massage thoroughly to help stimulate the scalp, then rinse. For best results, follow with Castor & Almond Oils Conditioner and Oil Replacement.


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