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Philip B White Truffle Nourishing and Conditioning Crème (178ml)

Philip B White Truffle Nourishing and Conditioning Crème (178ml)


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 443 AED 222
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Product Details

Philip B White Truffle Nourishing & Conditioning Crème is an intensive reconditioning crème for colour and chemically processed, dry, damaged, porous hair. Formulated with 23.3% pure botanical extracts of white truffle, lavender, comfrey, hops and nettle. Philip B White Truffle Nourishing & Conditioning Crème restores intense moisture and repair without weighing down your hair! It is the only solution whether your hair is parched, dry, or colour- and chemically-treated and in need of deep conditioning. Made from pure, revitalising botanicals combined with strengthening amino acids and soothing vitamin E, Philip B White Truffle Nourishing & Conditioning Crème will give your tresses silky, shiny, body and bounce with a youthful, radiant feeling! Directions of use: Apply mid-shaft through ends of wet hair as needed according to the density and length of your hair. Comb through with a fine-toothed comb for even distribution and ultimate nourishment. For light conditioning, leave on one minute. For more intense conditioning, leave on for up to five minutes. Vegan and Cruelty Free.


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