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OPI Hollywood Collection Infinite Shine Long-Wear Nails Polish 15ml (Various Shades) - Destined to be a Legend

OPI Hollywood Collection Infinite Shine Long-Wear Nails Polish 15ml (Various Shades) - Destined to be a Legend


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 58 AED 29
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Product Details

Adorn your nails with the OPI Hollywood Collection Infinite Shine Long-Wear Nails. The durable nail polish offers intense colour-payoff, while also encouraging a wet-look gleam that can last for up to 10 days.Quick and easy, the nail varnish eliminates the need for an LED light or soaking when you want to remove, while gentle components reduce the risk of staining nail beds. A little goes a long way, minimising the chance of any product being wasted.


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