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Save 49%

Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer 7.8ml (Various Shades) - 2 Medium

Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer 7.8ml (Various Shades) - 2 Medium


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 63 AED 32
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Product Details

Reveal a rested and radiant complexion with the Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer; a skin-correcting formula that effortlessly covers imperfections to deliver a flawless visage. Gliding onto areas in need of additional coverage, the liquid concealer eliminates the appearance of dark circles, blemishes and discolouration. Formulated with spherical powders for an optical blurring and soft focus effect, the concealer effectively erases signs of fatigue while reflecting pigments enhance radiance in a natural-looking way. Also contains vitamins C, E and B5, and a derivative of Hyaluronic Acid for a hydrating and replenishing effect. Features a soft flocked applicator for precise application.


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