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OSKIA City Life Anti-Pollution Booster

OSKIA City Life Anti-Pollution Booster


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 653 AED 327
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Product Details

Improve skin tone and texture with OSKIA's City Life Booster; a powerful, highly concentrated formula developed to protect against specific indoor and outdoor pollution. Fortified with the brand's micro-encapsulated blends of Co-Enzyme Q10, Vitamin B3 and Astaxanthin (an antioxidant that is 6000 times more powerful than Vitamin E), the intense booster defends against daily stresses and environmental aggressors to leave skin clear, healthy and radiant. Expertly targeting loss of elasticity, hyperpigmentation and reduced cellular activity, the quick-absorbing treatment delivers firming and hydrating benefits, whilst minimising the appearance of dark spots and uneven patches for a smoother, more refined complexion that is less likely to trap microscopic particles of atmospheric pollution. Suitable for all ages and skin types. Clinically-proven to protect against specific indoor and outdoor pollution, including Singlet Oxygen, Peroxyl, Hydroxyl and Halogenated Free Radicals, Nickel, Iron and other heavy metals, Ozone and PM 1μm (Particulate Matter).


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