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OSKIA Renaissance BrightLight Serum (30ml)

OSKIA Renaissance BrightLight Serum (30ml)


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 543 AED 272
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Product Details

Combat hyper-pigmentation, reduce the appearance of dark spots and repair visible sun damage with OSKIA Renaissance BrightLight Serum. The intensive daily correcting serum is formulated with a unique blend of thirteen bio-available actives and nutrients that act deep down to even out skin tone and ensure a visibly brighter, illuminated complexion.BrightLight works to reduce all varying forms of over-active melanin production, from melisma to dark spots. The serum slows down melanin transfer to the surface of the skin and uses fruit acids and pumpkin and papaya enzymes to exfoliate any melanin that is already present. Free-radical and inflammatory induced pigmentation (caused by acne and scaring) is also visibly reduced.


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