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OSKIA City Life Anti-Pollution I-Zone Balm

OSKIA City Life Anti-Pollution I-Zone Balm


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 284 AED 142
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Product Details

Catering specifically for the delicate lip and eye areas, OSKIA's City Life I-Zone Balm helps to defend against the damaging effects of indoor and outdoor pollution for improved skin tone and texture.Powered by Retinol and Astaxanthin (an antioxidant that is 6000 times more powerful than Vitamin C), the quick-absorbing, anti-ageing treatment works to minimise the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage for a smoother, more refined finish.A dose of Collageneer®, a patented active from White Lupin, delivers firming and plumping benefits, whilst light-diffusing Mica restores youthful luminosity. Can be worn alone or under makeup to protect, rejuvenate and improve elasticity.


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