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Sarah Chapman Lash Boosting Eye Cleanse 70ml

Sarah Chapman Lash Boosting Eye Cleanse 70ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 193 AED 97
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Product Details

Revitalise tired eyes and effortlessly remove makeup with the Lash Boosting Eye Cleanse from Sarah Chapman. Expertly formulated, it’s an innovative multi-tasking treatment that enhances the condition and thickness of lashes and brows whilst cleansing and moisturising skin. Fortified with Biomimetic peptide hair complex Capixyl and amino acid-rich Prodew 500, it works to strengthen and nourish individual hairs as it gently removes any trace of makeup including stubborn waterproof mascaras. It soothes and refreshes the delicate skin around the eye area with extracts of Aloe Vera and Arnica, whilst the anti-ageing Beautifeye complex helps to visibly reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark circles. Ideal for sensitive eyes, this unique treatment can be used as a cleanser or a comforting soak with intensified results. Peepers with be left feeling smooth and restored, framed by lush, fluttery lashes.


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