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Eve Lom Gel Balm Cleanser 100ml

Eve Lom Gel Balm Cleanser 100ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 252 AED 126
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Product Details

Remove dirt and impurities with the Eve Lom Gel Balm Cleanser; a hybrid, gel-to-balm formula that gently yet effectively cleanses the complexion.Comfortably massaging into wet skin, the soothing formula is able to perform a thorough cleanse in harmony with skin’s natural oil balance. Enriched with Eve Lom’s signature blend of Clove, Eucalyptus and Chamomile Oil, the gel-balm eliminates daily dirt, makeup and impurities from the visage, without stripping skin of essential moisture.Not only cleansing the complexion, the formula is infused with Shea Butter and Grapeseed Oil, which work in synergy to drench the face in a veil of long-lasting moisture. Expect radiant and nourished skin that feels calm and refreshed.Suitable for all skin types.


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