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Save 47%

Garnier SkinActive Night Eye Tissue Mask 6g

Garnier SkinActive Night Eye Tissue Mask 6g


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 15 AED 8
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Product Details

Use before sleeping, for tired and puffy eye area. This tissue mask is infused with ultralight formula enriched with deep sea water and hyaluronic acid for a soothed and refreshed eye area and eyelids! PROVEN EFFICACY: In 15 minutes (1)tired eyelids are soothed and eye area is intensely rehydrated and refreshed. By morning (2): eyes look fresher and rested. SUPERCOOLING EFFECT: 4°C TEMPERATURE DECREASE* ON SKIN AFTER USE. FOR EXTRAICY SENSATION, KEEP IN THE FRIDGE. *Instrumental test 26 subjects. Selfassessment: (1) on 102 women after one single use, (2) after 3 applications per week.


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