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Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Activator 40ml

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Activator 40ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 1,426 AED 713
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Product Details

Supporting a smoother-looking complexion, sarah chapman’s Stem Cell Collagen Activator employs a potent blend of botanical stem cells to help plump the skin with moisture.Stem cells from marine sea fennel, sea holly, argan and gardenia combine with 8 revolutionary peptides, seeking to promote a firmer-looking and more toned visage. The concentrated serum is enriched with antioxidants to support the skin’s natural defences against environmental aggressors. The stem cells and peptides are separated until the serum and powder are combined, for optimal efficacy and freshness.


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