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Stila Putty Blush and Bronzer Duo - Bronzed Gerbera

Stila Putty Blush and Bronzer Duo - Bronzed Gerbera


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 162 AED 81
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Product Details

Add a pop of colour to your complexion, with the Stila Putty Blush and Bronzer Duo. The bouncy, creamy formulas leave a weightless veil across your skin, allowing it to breathe.Crafted to flatter all skin-tones, the bronzer can be used to carve out your striking features, while the blush is ideal for adding a ‘just been paid a compliment’ glimmer.Warm and smouldering, the formulas are infused with Macadamia Oil, drenching your base in moisture, while shine-fighting components lessen the look of oil.Cruelty free.


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