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Kevyn Aucoin The Etherealist Super Natural Concealer (Various Shades) - Deep EC 09

Kevyn Aucoin The Etherealist Super Natural Concealer (Various Shades) - Deep EC 09


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 126 AED 88
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Product Details

Create a flawless base with The Etherealist Super Natural Concealer from Kevyn Aucoin, a weightless concealer with natural satin finish. Correcting, highlighting and perfecting the complexion, the liquid concealer blends effortlessly onto skin, helping to blur the look of imperfections and promote a brighter, more even skin tone. Its unique blend of brightening pearls and high-definition pigments create a light-reflecting effect to enhance the appearance of skin and counteract dark shadows. The universal concealer will leave areas of concern looking smoother, bright and perfected.


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