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Institut Esthedem City Protect Spray 100ml

Institut Esthedem City Protect Spray 100ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 156 AED 109
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Product Details

Shield your skin with Institut Esthedem City Protect Spray, a formula that provides daily protection against damaging environmental and urban factors such as the sun, pollution and free radicals.Delivering a protective veil to help keep skin and hair safe outdoors, it can be applied any time of day, and helps improve skin's natural resistance to the sun and pollution. Fortified with InCellium (patented intracellular protection technology), the spray better equips your skin to combat photo-ageing and dark spots, and helps to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and loss of firmness. Completely portable for when out-and-about, it will keep your skin safeguarded and protected, promoting younger-looking skin for longer. Can be applied under makeup to help prolong wear.Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.Please Note: This product does not contain filters or screens. It does not replace sun protection for long sun exposure.


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