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Kevyn Aucoin True Feather Brow Marker Gel Duo 1.9ml (Various Shades) - Warm Brunette

Kevyn Aucoin True Feather Brow Marker Gel Duo 1.9ml (Various Shades) - Warm Brunette


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 116 AED 81
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Product Details

Add drama and definition to your brows, with the Kevyn Aucoin True Feather Brow Marker Gel Duo. The double-ended tool features a fine-tipped pen, which is ideal for the creation of feathery, hair-like strokes. Suitable for all eyebrow types, as the brow mascara end allows you to tame stray hairs, while filling in gaps or sparse areas. The flexible hold avoids cakey build-up, while a cocktail of nourishing components helps to replenish your arches.


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