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Save 29%

Garnier Olia No Ammonia Permanent Hair Colour 144g (Various Colours) - 5.35 Chocolate Brown

Garnier Olia No Ammonia Permanent Hair Colour 144g (Various Colours) - 5.35 Chocolate Brown


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 31 AED 22
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Product Details

Olia by Garnier Naturally is our first Oil powered and Ammonia free hair color at home! Experience an exceptional color and a visible improvement of hair quality in a variety of shades. Choosing your perfect shade: Hair colour result will vary depending on your natural colour. If you are deciding between 2 shades, we recommend to always choose the lightest. The Colour Result: On grey hair, colour will appear lighter than on nongrey hair Test for allergies 48 hours before use


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