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COSRX The 6 Peptide Skin Booster Serum 150ml

COSRX The 6 Peptide Skin Booster Serum 150ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 99 AED 79
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Product Details

Introducing the COSRX 6 Peptide Booster Serum, a multi-purpose formula that targets a variety of skin concerns in just one step. Designed to be used after cleansing, the treatment utilises a powerful blend of peptides to help revitalise the look and feel of skin. The serum improves the appearance of elasticity, radiance, pores and texture, while simultaneously smoothing fine lines. Supported by hyaluronic acid and allantoin, alongside the clarifying properties of niacinamide, the hydrating formula promotes a visibly balanced finish.


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