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Rimmel Match Perfection Concealer 7ml (Various Shades) - Porcelain

Rimmel Match Perfection Concealer 7ml (Various Shades) - Porcelain


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 41 AED 35
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Product Details

Want the London look? Rimmel London introduces Match Perfection Concealer with skin-tone adapting technology. The 6 shades are classified by skin tone: very light, light, medium and dark, just like Match Perfection Foundation making it easy to find your perfect pair. The soft-precision brush allows for accurate application, making it easy to illuminate the eye area and banish signs of fatigue. Rimmel London is an inner confidence that how we look is always cool, irreverent, never predictable and always evolving. Rimmel is not perfection or intimidating, it is like London : young, urban, eclectic, edgy. It is expression with no rules, it is real, it is accessible. Live the London Look.


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