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Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream 40ml

Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream 40ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 135 AED 115
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Product Details

Soothe and relieve sensitive skin with Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream, a moisturising formula that helps restore comfort back into irritated skin. Suitable for men, women and children, the cream helps to improve skin tolerance while relieving signs related to inflammation, such as rubbing, hair removal and peeling. It combines active ingredients Allantion and Enoxolone with Beeswax and Xylitol to deliver soothing and moisturising benefits. The D.A.F. (Dermatological Advanced Formulation) also helps to combat dehydration that can often accompany irritation. Performing a calming effect on reddened, overheated skin, the cream works with the epidermis to make it less reactive. Suitable for reddened, sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic. Fragrance free.


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