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Rimmel London Wonder\'Proof 24HR Waterproof Colour Eyeliner (various shades) - Shiny Gold

Rimmel London Wonder'Proof 24HR Waterproof Colour Eyeliner (various shades) - Shiny Gold


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 41 AED 35
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Product Details

From Rimmel London, comes Wonder'Proof Liner, Deep Purple. The best of colour + waterproof technologies in 1 liquid liner. No more compromise, one stroke, one full day of colour! This innovative formula delivers intense colour while being fully waterproof for up to 24hr! With it's new flexible flock applicator for quick and easy colour looks, the bold liner look has never been so easy. Just live you Wonder Life! So whether you're working, shopping, on a special occasion, or out with the girls you will be ready for everything. Gently apply as a normal liquid eye liner on the eyelid to reveal highly pigmented colours and an intense bold look! Wonder'Proof Liner, Deep Purple is the perfect gift if you were looking to share your make up secrets and enjoyment of Rimmel London with others. Create edgy, on-trend eye-styles with a single product. Rimmel is the UK’s number 1 make-up brand and the face of London style. We live for the riot of colour on the streets, for the vibrant clubs and the hidden bars. We devour the music and the energy and come back for more. Rimmel believes in fashion without rules and values every individual interpretation of beauty.


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