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Bourjois Contour Clubbing Waterproof Eye Pencil & Eye Liner (Various shades) - Fair Play

Bourjois Contour Clubbing Waterproof Eye Pencil & Eye Liner (Various shades) - Fair Play


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 41 AED 35
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Product Details

Let's get this party started! Contour Clubbing Waterproof is a colourful, long lasting & waterproof eye pencil. Its ultra-soft texture glides along the lash line for an intense and vibrant effect. Once set, the colour won't budge until you take it off with waterproof make-up remover. The formula, enhanced by jojoba and cotton oils, offers absolute comfort even for contact lens wearers. The pencil can be used as a liner or can be smudged as an eyeshadow. Make your eyes pop and pick up one of the vibrant colours that won't run, won't crease, won't fade away! Contour Clubbing Waterproof Eye Pencil is a must-have for your night-on-the-town make-up collection! Ready to play with make-up? In Paris, beauty is a game, never a chore. Bourjois makes it easy to create chic looks for eyes, lips, face and nails, all with an effortless Parisian twist. Say Bonjour to beauty with “joie de vivre”!


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