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10.50% Cashback

Hair Mask Anti-Dandruff Powder

Save 20%
USD 145
USD 116
+ 10.50% Cashback
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Product Details

What it is: The best dandruff control solution with our Herbal Dandruff Hair Mask to give you healthy, clear hair

How it Works: A truly natural product made with age-old Moroccan beauty wisdom, our Anti-Dandruff Hair Mask Powder uses an eclectic mix of ingredients. Wonder plant, neem, is super efficient at hydrating and nourishing hair, nettle absorbs scalp impurities, coconut oil gives you hair as smooth as silk, tea tree oil removes productbuild-up , and argan oil soothes the scalp. This formula balances scalp microbiome and boosts the oxygen supply to the roots of your hair, which helps prevent dandruff.

Who it's for: If you've got a dandruff problem, this is for you.

Good to know: Add water or argan oil to make a thick paste that you can apply generously over your hair and scalp.This is a 100% natural product & comletely drug-free.

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