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10.50% Cashback

Pink Salt Scalp Scrub

Save 20%
USD 195
USD 156
+ 10.50% Cashback
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Product Details

What it is: Rejuvenate and refresh your hair with nature's finest. Our Pink Salt Scrub detoxes your scalp and refreshes your root with a gentle, revitalizing scrubbing action.

How it Works: Our innovative Pink Salt Scalp Scrub purifies and nourishes your scalp with exquisite and exotic ingredients such as Himalayan pink salt that efficiently removes unwanted product build-up in the hair. It also uses peppermint oil to refresh, rosemary oil to stimluate healthy blood flow circulation, and tea tree oil to remove dandruff & balance scalp microbiome. These ingredients work in tandem to gently exfoliate the roots and lift away excess sebum.

Who it's for: It's ideal for healthy, dandruff prone & oily scalp holders

Good to know: Avoid use if you suffer from any type of scalp dermatitis

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