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Laura Mercier Glow Powder Brush

Laura Mercier Glow Powder Brush


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 163 AED 122
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Product Details

This Laura Mercier Glow Powder Brush is uniquely designed to tackle every contour of the face, ensuring all-over coverage. For a consistent and composed complexion, this brush really is the best of the best. It sweeps over the face like a magic wand, making application effortless, even on-the-go. With an ergonomic handle, the brush is easy to use. What’s more, the exclusive design includes two different brush densities. Whilst the fluffy end is ideal for lighter application, the dense end is perfect for precision. Whether it’s to apply powder, contour or highlight, the Glow Powder Brush will be your new best friend.Cruelty-free.


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