50M Transmission Range: The wireless microphonecantransmitaudiotoasmartphonethroughthereceiverinawireless way. Itsupports50mwirelesstransmissiondistance,freeingusersfromcableconstraints.Nodriverinstallationisrequired. Thedigitalaudiooutputcankeepthehighfidelityofaudiosignalduringtransmission
48kHz/24bit Recording and One-key Denoise: The high standard 48kHz sampling rate captures higher quality audio and 24-bit depth record a wider dynamic range of audio. The audio processing algorithm developed by Comica can recognize the human voice accurately and filter redundant noises in complex environments.
14mm Condenser Mic Capsule and Cardioid Polar Pattern: The 14mm condenser microphone capsule is able to fully catch the subtle changes of sound. The cardioid polar pattern picks up the sound directly in front of it, and reduces noise from the side and back.
3-level Gain Adjustment: Users can short-press to adjust three gain levels at any time. The higher gain level can increase the dynamic range of recording and amplify the details of sound.
Built-in Lithium Battery, Duration Up to 15H: The wireless microphone for phone has a built-in 350mAh lithium battery supporting up to 15 hours. It helps users complete long and complicated recordings easily without worrying about battery power.