The charming bone china teacup and saucer set by who icons was created in honor of gabrielle bonheur coco chanel, an accomplished businesswoman and fashion designer from france. The creator and namesake of the chanel company, she is well-known for her contributions to fashion, including the creation of the woman's suit, the quilted purse, costume jewelry, and the 'little black dress.' she also debuted the enormously popular fragrance chanel no. 5. * material: bone ash - 47% ; china clay - 30%., feldspar - 14%; flint - 8%; ball clay - 1%; fragile * dimension: teacup h: 5.8 cm d: 8.6 cm - h: 2.28 in d: 3.4 in w: 170g saucer d: 15.3 cm - d: 6 in w: 186 g * who icons fashion icons