Uglúk's Day in the Sun
If you can believe it, when he's not leading the legions of Isengard, Uglúk enjoys a bit of sun and relaxation. Putting up with the endless opinions, interests, and squabbles of his Uruk-hai brethren and Mordor Orcs is draining. And Uglúk is a child of Isengard! So, he can handle a day in the warm and quiet sunshine.
To ensure it's a genuinely restful break from kidnapping Hobbits, quelling onery foot-soldiers, and hoofing it across Arda, Uglúk still needs a bit of protection. After all, no one enjoys a full-body sunburn.
Fun Details
Luckily, for Uglúk and any sun-sensitive being, we have this exclusive Uruk-hai Lord of the Rings Button Up Shirt! The licensed garment has a short-sleeved and collared design with buttons down the center front. It is made with a white, 100% cotton broadcloth featuring a sublimated geometric print composed of orc weapons, helmets, shields, and Uruk-hai faces bearing the White Hand of Saruman. The Lord of the Rings is embroidered in gold on one sleeve cuff.