Mess-Free Style
As a Magizoologist with a penchant for getting into some pretty tangled webs, it's expected you'll need to refresh your wardrobe on occasion. After all, though you're facing down Erumpents, chasing Nifflers through all manner of treasure hunts, and escaping the path of Obscurials, you can't always look like that's where you've just been. Luckily, you needn't replace an entire wardrobe to look smart for Ministry visits or even unexpected tours through your old stomping grounds. You simply require a stylish jacket that's up for the task of hiding mess or keeping you warm while pursuing another fantastic beast!
Fun Details
Get dressed for success with this Newt Scamander Coat! Whether cosplaying the lovable Hufflepuff alumnus or taking up your own fantastic adventure, this officially licensed costume jacket is a must-have! The synthetic wool coat is lined with satin and trimmed with faux leather giving it a polished and authentic appearance. Meanwhile, two large pockets at the front of the coat offer plenty of space for carrying research essentials. Doubly useful is the jacket's duster-length. Laying middle to lower thigh, this exclusive coat promises to obscure any unsightly marks of your hard work while providing a layer of warmth necessary while conducting field studies.