A Stone's Throw Away
You know the feeling. You've got your cup of hot cocoa, you've found the right show, you're snuggling into your spot in the couch with a blanket tucked around you. You think you're ready for ultimate coziness. Then you hear it. A buzzing. Someone is texting you. Your phone is close. Close enough to let you know someone is trying to contact you. But it's far enough away that you're going to have to let all the warmth you've generated dissipate as you get to your feet to retrieve it. And until we muggles figure out simple summoning charms, we're going to have to figure out how to stay cozy even when we forget an important item one room over!
Fun Details
Add magic to your leisure time with this super soft Ravenclaw robe. The printed Ravenclaw shield and tie will make you look like a model student while the fleecy texture will take your cuddling to a whole new level. It measures out to just under six feet long so you can be sure it'll pool around you wherever you happen to be lounging.
House Pride
Every house has its talents. Do you come from a mixed family or friend group where people from Hufflepuff and Slytherin vibe together despite their differences? Lucky for you, we've got Harry Potter throws for every house. Gift them to your loved ones or keep them in your living room for your friends to throw on whenever an impromptu Harry Potter marathon pops up!